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2024 Software Engineering Benchmarks Report

DORA Metrics

What's Inside?

Benchmarks Based on Org Size and Maturity

Benchmarks Based On Org Size & Maturity

Small teams need to benchmark their performance against an org with 5 engineers, not 5,000. In this year’s report, we outline the benchmarks and insights that apply to engineering teams based on their org size. See benchmarks for companies broken down by the following sizes:
Startups 0-100 employees
Scale-ups 100-1,000 employees
Enterprise 1,000+ employees
Investment Benchmarks

For the First Time: Investment Benchmarks

With investment metrics, leaders can see what percentage of their team’s time and resources are going toward different initiatives. With this visibility, engineering leaders can make strategic decisions around what work should be prioritized moving forward. See investment benchmarks broken down by the following resource allocations:
New value
Feature enhancements
Developer experience
Keeping the lights on
DORA Metrics Are Free With LinearB

DORA Metrics Are Free With LinearB

Actively monitoring DORA metrics is a critical first step in any initiative to improve engineering’s operational efficiency and impact on the business.
Get Free DORA
DORA Efficiency and Planning Benchmarks

DORA, Efficiency & Planning Benchmarks

The best way to improve any team is to establish a baseline for what “good” means. The 2024 Engineering Benchmarks Report is the most thorough, comprehensive look at what performance metrics make engineering orgs elite, average, or needing improvement. See benchmarks for essential metrics like:
Cycle time, deployment frequency, mean time to restore, and more
Pull request size, code review time, pickup time, and more
Planning accuracy, capacity accuracy, investment distribution, and more
Necco Ceresani, Gal Rubin and Yishai Beeri

Engineering Benchmarks Report Release Webinar

In this webinar, LinearB CTO Yishai Beeri and Product Manager Gal Rubin present fascinating new insights into how elite engineering teams work, set goals and achieve success. Over the course of 30 minutes, Yishai and Gal cover: 
The all-new Engineering Investment Benchmarks
Data insights by organization / team / size / geo / industry
How elite teams are performing against the four DORA metrics
Watch Here

Download the 2024 Software Engineering Benchmarks Report


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