
Developer experience

The control plane for developer experience teams
Go beyond passive reporting using our combination of AI-powered team insights and workflow automations.
Team Member Coaching dashboard overview

Metrics & surveys aren’t enough...

Unclear solutions

DevEx leaders who invest in observability-only tools report on problems, without clear solutions.

Scaling challenges

Constant pressure to adopt new technologies while also standardizing processes creates an imbalance.

Automation gap

DevEx initiatives fizzle out without the ability to apply, measure and control workflow automations across teams.

Define exactly how code is brought to production

We are focused on building dedicated developer experience tools, so that your teams can focus on improving developer health, happiness and efficiency.
Team management
Productivity reporting
Pull request policy setting
AI-powered dev support

Keeping your developers flowing

AI adoptions & impact metrics

Understand which teams are adoption new technologies and the impact they are having on the SDLC.

Streamline code reviews

Our library of pull request automations reduces up to 3 hours of toil per week for individual developers.

Reduce daily toil

From automated pull request summaries to daily work digests, your developers will spend more time than ever focused on coding.

Drive consistency

Turn best practices into common standards across all teams with a codified merge policy.

Identify risks early

Turn data into risk mitigation with our automated delivery risks dashboard for your most important projects.
Learn More
Read our guide on Accelerating Developer Productivity

Integrates with the tools you love

Combine visibility with automations to actively improve

Full visibility across your tools, processes and teams give DevEx leaders the abiltity to identify new opportunities to improve operations. When combined with toil reducing automations, it’s the developers themselves who get time back.

Streamline workflows & boost productivity

Identify bottlenecks in the delivery pipeline

Improve cycle time

Set and track the right goals

Balance team workload

Cycle Time: 3 days 8 hours

Automate manual tasks

Programmable automation to improve workflows

AI-assisted workflows

Streamline code reviews

Reduce developer toil & context switching

WorkerB: This PR is not linked to a Jira Ticket.
From 50% DORA health scores to 98% in less than 6 months. LinearB has given our business critical telemetry and attribution for our engineering teams."
Matt Culver
Engineering Chief of Staff,

How it works


Clear visibility

LinearB tracks Developer Experience impact using quantitative and qualitative metrics, enabling continuous improvement.

Data-driven benchmarking

With insights from thousands of engineering teams, LinearB provides objective benchmarks to identify strengths and areas for optimization.

Enhancing developer productivity

These insights help improve team health and process efficiency, keeping developers happy and productive.

Welcome to the age of superhuman engineering