Platform Overview

Full visibility and control over your team’s operations
Visibility is not enough, the ultimate goal for software engineering organizations is real productivity improvements - in a world where AI-driven workflows are reshaping software development.
The Engineering Productivity Platform
Unlock insights into your team's health, projects, and pipeline while integrating AI workflows that enhance developer experience, manage risk, and increase productivity.
LinearB Platform Overview Diagram

Define exactly how code is brought to production

Automation Dashboard
Allocation Overview
Team Member Coaching Dashboard

AI & Workflow Governance

Deploy AI workflows with confidence by applying controls that ensure governance, compliance, and risk management

Software Engineering Intelligence

Observability across your entire SDLC, with industry standard metrics like DORA & SPACE

Developer Experience

Streamline workflows, measure impact and survey happiness with our control plane for your DevEx teams

A control plane for your Developer Experience Teams

Optimize Code Reviews

Streamline the flow of work using AI to review code and find human experts.
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AI-powered Developer Support 

Reduce daily toil by using AI to write PR descriptions and iteration summaries.
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Measuring Developer Experience

Identify frustration among teams by combing surveys with team metrics.
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PR Standardization & Compliance

Standardize best practices across teams while mitigating AI-related risk.
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Productivity Reporting

Report on the impact of your DevEx initiative by translating it into quantifiable business metrics.
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Learn More
Read our guide on Accelerating Developer Productivity

Transform your data into real productivity gains

How it works

The LinearB productivity methodology is designed to increase productivity at scale. Using end-to-end observability of the software delivery pipeline we identify areas of improvement. 


Observability of select areas of your delivery pipeline to benchmark performance and identify areas to quickly improve.


Match an automation solution to your area of focus targeting a specific productivity gain. Choose from pre-built productivity kits.


Roll-out of initial automations to demonstrate productivity gains.


Measure your improvement and compare to external and internal  benchmarks.


Deploy LinearB across your organization to get end-to-end visibility and productivity benefits. Repeat the process at scale.

Turn best practices into common standards

See full automations library
Assign expert reviewer
Auto-merge safe changes
Label missing Jira info
Review sensitive files
Add additional reviewer