This guide is part of a course on How To Master DORA Metrics. You can find the intro to the course as well as links to other modules here.

Key takeaways from this module include:

  • DORA’s Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR) metric tracks the time your team spends addressing and recovering from production stage failures.
  • Because MTTR directly reflects and impacts your system’s resilience and overall operational efficiency, maintaining a low MTTR is paramount. Failing to minimize disruptions can strain customer trust and tarnish your organization’s reputation.
  • To improve and optimize your MTTR, perform regular postmortem analyses, refine and streamline the recovery process by implementing automation tools, and ensure your incident response strategy is clear and familiar to all team members. 


Another key DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) metric is Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR) — the amount of time it takes your team to address and recover from failures in production.

MTTR is closely associated with the change failure rate and is directly impacted by your team’s lead time, as bottlenecks in your code pickup and review processes or an elevated time to merge metric will affect your team’s ability to push out hotfixes when code deployments go wrong. The lower your lead time, the more efficiently your team can address production issues, relying on the automated processes and best practices you have in place. 

The Importance of MTTR

MTTR reflects system resilience and operational efficiency. A lower MTTR indicates a system’s ability to recover from failures, showcasing robustness and minimizing disruptions swiftly. Efficient incident resolution enhances overall operational stability, ensuring smoother processes and reduced downtime, positively impacting the system’s reliability.

A low MTTR is crucial, as rapid recovery minimizes disruptions, safeguarding critical operations and services. It is pivotal in ensuring seamless business processes, aligning with business continuity objectives, and bolstering overall reliability, especially in mission-critical environments.

Additionally, MTTR significantly influences customer trust and brand reputation. Quick issue resolution demonstrates reliability and commitment to customer satisfaction. A low MTTR ensures minimal service disruptions, fostering positive customer experiences. In contrast, prolonged downtime erodes trust, tarnishing brand reputation. Prioritizing a swift MTTR is essential for maintaining customer loyalty, market competitiveness, and a positive brand image.

Common Issues that Affect MTTR

Let’s discuss some common issues that can impact your MTTR.

The most common issues affecting MTTR are incident detection, alerting, and diagnosis. Delays in detecting incidents or recognizing their severity will occur if your team does not have a robust, automated monitoring system for capturing error and deprecation metrics for your software and systems in production. 

It’s important that your team captures the right metrics to monitor your system’s health accurately and that you configure automated alerts to ensure your team can address issues promptly as they arise. 

Once your team has been alerted of a production incident, its efficiency in restoring product stability will be a factor in the recovery processes and incident response plan that your organization has in place. Refining and formalizing these processes is essential so the team member tasked with the fix can focus on the problem. 

Often, delays in incident resolution stem from a lack of clear roles, escalation paths, or other breakdowns in communication during the response process. It’s your organization’s responsibility to ensure that each team member feels confident and supported in the incident response process by implementing and practicing these processes beforehand. 

The more aspects of incident response you can automate, the better. Doing so reduces the cognitive load and need for context switching by team members working on the incident. 

Solutions to Optimize MTTR

With the above information in mind, below are some of the best strategies for optimizing your MTTR:

  • Implement efficient monitoring and alerting systems.
  • Formulate and regularly update a well-defined incident response plan.
  • Standardize recovery processes and ensure all stakeholders are aware of their roles.

Hands-On Methods for Reducing MTTR

In addition to the optimization strategies outlined above, there are several hands-on methods for reducing MTTR. Let’s dive into these methods in more detail.

Conduct Postmortem Analyses

Postmortem analyses following incidents are crucial for enhancing system reliability and minimizing downtime. By delving into the root causes of an issue, teams gain valuable insights into vulnerabilities and weaknesses within the system. 

Identifying the core issues aids in refining processes, updating documentation, and implementing preventative measures, ultimately bolstering system resilience. Consequently, MTTR is significantly improved, as teams armed with a deeper understanding can swiftly and accurately address issues. 

Postmortems cultivate a culture of continuous improvement, transforming setbacks into opportunities for refinement and optimization.

Refine the Recovery Process

Identifying areas in the recovery process for automation or streamlining is pivotal for reducing MTTR. Automation expedites repetitive tasks, minimizing human error and accelerating response times. Streamlining processes ensures a more efficient workflow, reducing bottlenecks and delays. 

Organizations can swiftly navigate recovery phases by pinpointing and optimizing these aspects, minimizing downtime and service disruptions. This approach boosts operational efficiency and allows teams to focus on more complex issues that require human expertise. 

Train Teams on the Incident Response Strategy

Training teams on the incident response plan and conducting regular drills are essential to minimize your MTTR. These proactive measures cultivate a culture of preparedness, ensuring that team members are well-versed in protocols and can respond swiftly to security incidents. 

By training teams and drilling incident response strategies, teams sharpen their skills, identify weaknesses, and streamline communication channels. This preparedness reduces the likelihood of human errors during actual incidents and accelerates decision-making processes, helping you minimize downtime, efficiently contain threats, and improve your MTTR.

Work Proactively

In the intricate dance of technology, proactive measures like chaos engineering become the choreographers of resilience. You can anticipate and prepare for issues lurking in the digital shadows by orchestrating controlled disruptions, enabling preemptive fortification. These preventative techniques improve the resilience of your software systems and the efficiency of your response processes, resulting in a lower MTTR.

Benefits of Reducing MTTR

Taking these forms of action to lower your MTTR helps minimize disruptions in your service and improve the overall user experience of your product. It creates greater coordination and confidence for team members when addressing production issues and reduces operational panic levels during an outage. 

Additionally, reducing MTTR is a boon to your business reputation, as your customers trust in your ability to restore service quickly and to communicate effectively in the event of a failure. 

MTTR Analytics with LinearB

Once you connect your project management tool to your LinearB account, you can view your team’s MTTR on your DORA metrics dashboard. The MTTR metric is determined by the time a bug ticket spends “in progress” in your project management tracking system. 

With visibility into this metric, you can identify and act upon extended recovery times by using gitStream’s workflow automations to ensure that the coding and review phases of the recovery process are as streamlined and standardized as possible.

You can use LinearB’s metrics dashboard to measure and analyze your team’s MTTR for different periods. Refer to our documentation for how to get started tracking your MTTR. 

Summary and next steps

Keeping a low MTTR is essential, especially in high-risk, high-impact moments. But you don’t want to work only reactively — proactively improving your MTTR is essential. Use LinearB Metrics to identify and act upon extended recovery times. Additionally, use gitStream to ensure recovery processes are efficiently coded and version-controlled.

With our conversation on MTTR complete, we’re ready to discuss the final DORA metric: deployment frequency.