100% Written by Engineering and Product Leaders
Dev Interrupted Blog
Stories and advice for dev leaders, written by dev leaders. How to scale your team, which metrics to use, how to grow your career… even how to explain software development to your CEO (hint: very carefully 😉 )

Max Kolomaznik
Stop Using the Top-Down Management Model
The traditional Top-Down model for businesses doesn’t work for thought-led companies. But there’s an alternative model out there.

Max Kolomaznik
4 Careers for People with Coding Backgrounds
You don’t have to just stick to programming if you want to make a career. There are plenty of other opportunities out there.

Max Kolomaznik
3 Reasons It’s Hard To Invest In True Innovation
Finding true innovation is a struggle for investors. So if you’re working on a revolutionary technology, don’t be disheartened if investors don’t immediately pick up on it. It can often take a while.

Max Kolomaznik
3 Proven Ways Managers Can Improve Developer Focus
Workflow is essential to productivity. How can you manage your calendar to improve developer focus? Defrag your devs’ calendar!

Max Kolomaznik
What is Software Supply Chain Security?
You may have heard of the supply chain, but what about the software supply chain? What is it and how do you keep it secure?

Max Kolomaznik
4 Things Developers Should Know About Recruiting Neurodiverse People
You need to be considerate when hiring. This is particularly important for neurodiverse people, such as those with dyslexia, ADHD or autism. But how can you improve your process? And why?

Max Kolomaznik
3 Predictions About How Technology Businesses Will Change In 10 Years
How exactly will companies change in the next decade? What will be the focus and how might we all adapt? Jason Warner, Managing Director at Redpoint Ventures, gives his thoughts.

Connor McClannahan
Creating a Culture of Engineering Productivity at Netflix
At Netflix, we don’t just think about productivity - we engineer it. As Director of Productivity Engineering, it's my job to keep devs both happy and productive.

Max Kolomaznik
3 Things Every Engineer Should Know About Inclusive Design
From the electric toothbrush to Siri and Alexa, all of us benefit from the broader impacts of inclusive design.

Connor McClannahan
Chaos Engineering - The Practice Behind Controlling Chaos
Matthew Fornaciari, CTO at Gremlin Inc, give us a brief history of chaos engineering and a few tips and tricks on how to get ahold of it.
Dev Interrupted
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