Dev Interrupted Podcasts

Diving Into DevSecOps - Part 1
Diving Into DevSecOps - Part 1
Winning Wars (Literally) With Agile & DevOps
Winning Wars (Literally) With Agile & DevOps
Making Project Management Not Suck
Making Project Management Not Suck
Finding Time For Security When Scaling
Finding Time For Security When Scaling
Eliminating Software Development Process
Eliminating Software Development Process
Improving Visibility Without Being Annoying
Improving Visibility Without Being Annoying
Technical Leadership: Beyond Problem Solving
Technical Leadership: Beyond Problem Solving
Engineering Customer Success
Engineering Customer Success
Outcome-based Development
Outcome-based Development
Automation Limitations
Automation Limitations
Evolving From Dev to CEO
Evolving From Dev to CEO
Uncover the Real Senior Developer
Uncover the Real Senior Developer