This guide is part of a course on How To Master DORA Metrics. You can find the intro to the course as well as links to other modules here.

Key takeaways from this module include:

  • The deployment frequency metric tracks how many deployments your team has during a specific period of time.
  • Deployment frequency is an indicator of productivity. It reflects your team’s ability to efficiently deliver new changes or make updates that address failures. When you have a high deployment frequency, it reflects your confidence in pushing new code and swiftly handling hiccups that arise.
  • Infrastructure bottlenecks and insufficient automated testing are just some of the causes of a low deployment frequency metric. Addressing these issues can have a wide-reaching impact.


Deployment frequency is the DORA metric that tracks your engineering team’s number of production deployments over a specified time frame (days/weeks/months).

The deployment frequency metric is closely tied to cycle time and the efficiency of your team’s coding time, pickup time, and review time. It also directly impacts mean time to restore (MTTR), as teams who deploy faster can resolve incidents in a shorter time frame. 

Beyond your development and code review practices, deployment frequency is affected by your team’s use of automated continuous delivery systems that move your code through staging and production environments once it has been approved and merged. The less manual your production deployment process is, the more smoothly and efficiently it runs. 

The importance of deployment frequency

Deployment frequency is a vital indicator of your software team’s productivity and ability to quickly deliver new changes and address failures.

High deployment rates result from a product team that produces well-scoped code changes, uses automation and context data to streamline the code pickup and review process, and has implemented a robust and efficient continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline to automate the testing and delivery stages of code release. 

On an organizational level, as an indicator of development and operational efficiency, high deployment rates correlate directly with project timelines’ predictability and increased trust levels from users and clients. It reflects your team’s agility and speed in delivering value that impacts user satisfaction and your business’s ability to capture market opportunities.

Common issues affecting deployment frequency

Let’s review some of the issues that commonly impact deployment frequency.

Infrastructure bottlenecks or limitations

Infrastructure bottlenecks pose a formidable hurdle to deployment frequency. These limitations can throttle the speed at which software is deployed, hindering the team’s ability to push updates swiftly. 

Whether constrained server capacity, sluggish networks, or outdated hardware, each bottleneck introduces delays and compromises the metric. Addressing and optimizing these infrastructure constraints is paramount for enhancing deployment frequency and ensuring an efficient development pipeline.

Inconsistent or cumbersome deployment processes

Inconsistent or cumbersome deployment processes can significantly impede a team’s deployment frequency. When infrastructure lacks efficiency or faces bottlenecks, deployment becomes a time-consuming ordeal. Cumbersome processes also increase the risk of errors and deployment failures.

Insufficient automated testing

Insufficient automated testing poses a critical bottleneck in the deployment pipeline. 

Without robust automated tests, teams face heightened deployment hesitations as manual testing becomes time-consuming and error-prone. This bottleneck elongates release cycles and escalates the risk of introducing bugs into production. 

Solutions to optimize deployment frequency

Below are some strategies for optimizing your deployment rate and improving your Deployment Frequency metrics.

Strengthen CI/CD pipelines

Enhance your CI/CD pipelines to boost your deployment rate. Implementing parallel testing and automated code integration expedites the development lifecycle and improves your Deployment Frequency metric. When you foster a culture of continuous integration, developers can detect and rectify issues swiftly, ensuring a seamless deployment process.

Prioritize automation in testing and deployment

Prioritizing automation in testing and deployment stages significantly elevates your deployment frequency. Automated testing accelerates feedback loops, reducing manual errors and enhances overall efficiency. 

Leverage engineering metrics benchmarks

Engineering benchmarks provide insight into performance data across different organizations, and you can use them to identify causal relationships between different DORA metrics. This approach can help you know where to direct your team’s energy and update your processes for improvement. For example,  data might show that pull request pickup time is the most important individual metric to target for improvement to overall cycle time and deployment frequency.

Additionally, programmable workflow tools help eliminate the barriers and bottlenecks in the code review process that lead to higher pickup times. They can automate reviewer assignments, prevent changes to deprecated APIs, and set clear reviewer expectations with pull request labels.

Streamline communication and collaboration

Establishing clear communication channels and shared goals enhances coordination, and implementing DevOps practices breaks down silos, fostering a culture of collaboration. By aligning objectives and improving cross-functional cooperation, teams can streamline processes and effectively boost deployment frequency.

Practical steps to take action today

Some practical steps you can take today to improve your deployment frequency include the following:

  • Analyze current deployment processes to identify slowdowns or bottlenecks. Conducting a thorough analysis enables teams to pinpoint specific stages in the deployment pipeline that contribute to delays, allowing for targeted optimizations. Additionally, identifying and addressing bottlenecks streamlines the deployment process, increasing efficiency and frequency.
  • Set up metrics and monitoring to gain insights into deployment speeds. Establishing comprehensive metrics and monitoring systems provides real-time visibility into the entire deployment lifecycle, enabling teams to track progress and detect areas for improvement. Moreover, continuous monitoring allows teams to promptly identify anomalies or performance issues, fostering a proactive approach to maintaining and enhancing deployment speeds.
  • Experiment with smaller, more frequent deployments to gauge impact. Implementing smaller, more frequent deployments is a practical experiment to assess the direct impact on deployment frequency, fostering agility and adaptability. Through iterative experimentation, teams can fine-tune their deployment strategies, ensuring adjustments positively influence the overall deployment frequency without compromising stability.

Long-term benefits of improving deployment frequency

The long-term benefits of improving your deployment frequency include:

  • Quicker user access to features and improvements.
  • Enhanced team adaptability and responsiveness to feedback or market changes.
  • Faster time-to-market for new features and enhancements.
  • Opportunities for continuous learning and process improvement.

How to measure deployment frequency

You can use the LinearB metrics dashboard to measure your team’s deployment rate for different time allotments. Check out our documentation for how to get started.